
Welcome to LESP, the Lightweight Efficient Spelling Proofreader. LESP is a Python library that can help you check and correct spelling errors in your texts. Whether you are writing an essay, a blog post, a resume, or anything else, LESP can help you improve your writing quality and accuracy.

Who am I?

I am LyubomirT, the developer of LESP. I am a passionate developer who loves open-source and creating useful tools for the community. I created LESP in my free time as a personal project to learn more about spelling correction algorithms and to provide a simple and fast solution for anyone who needs a spellcheck library.

Why did I create LESP?

I created LESP because I wanted to make spelling correction easy and accessible for everyone. I believe that spelling is an important aspect of communication and that everyone should be able to write with confidence and clarity. I also wanted to challenge myself and create something that is lightweight, efficient, and cross-platform.

How does LESP work?

LESP works by comparing the words in your text with a wordlist of correct words. It uses a similarity score to measure how close the words are to each other. It then returns the most similar words to the ones that are incorrect or not in the wordlist. LESP also uses a cache file to store similar words, so that it can speed up the process and save resources.

What are the features of LESP?

LESP has many features that make it a great spelling proofreader. Some of them are:

  • Lightweight and efficient: LESP is designed to be as fast as possible and to consume minimal resources. It has no dependencies and can run on any platform that supports Python 3.6 or higher.

  • Easy to use: LESP is very easy to use and to customize. You can use it with any wordlist you want, and you can adjust the similarity rate, the number of chunks, and the number of similar words to suit your needs. You can also use the cache file to improve the performance and the accuracy of LESP.

  • (Kind of) Customizable: LESP allows you to extend, remove, stack, and merge wordlists. You can also backup and restore your wordlist, and clear your cache file. You can also use LESP with other popular Python libraries and frameworks.

How can you support LESP?

If you like LESP and find it useful, you can support us in many ways. You can:

  • Star and fork the repository on GitHub

  • Open an issue or a pull request on GitHub

  • Contact me on Discord or create a discussion

  • Share your feedback and suggestions with us

  • Spread the word about LESP and tell your friends about it

I appreciate your support and I hope you enjoy using LESP!

Last updated